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Coffee Roasting Database v6.10 (Updated Aug 16 2007)

GUI Front-End v6.10 / Back-End v6.0

NOTE: You must have Microsoft Access 2000 or later already installed in your PC. I develop in 2002/XP but save it as an Access 2000 file. Initial tests in a 2000 environment offered no problems - please let me know if you run into any.
DISCLAIMER: Use this software at your own risk. It is offered free of charge, as is, no guarantees. By downloading it you accept full responsibility for anything that may happen in your life afterwards because of, in spite of, or any other of, its use.

Table Of Contents

Download Database Here (Updated Aug 16 2007)

Download Help Images Here (Updated Jul 21 2007)

Changes for 6.10 (Updated Aug 16 2007)

Send feedback here

Screen Shots:

Main Menu & Auxiliary Forms Here (Updated Jul 17 2007)

Coffees, Blends & Orders (a.k.a. Inventory) Forms Here (Updated Jul 17 2007)

Roasting Sessions, Timing Panel & Profiles Forms Here (Updated Jul 17 2007)

Installation / Upgrade Instructions

Using A Different Folder

Use Instructions (Updated Jul 21 2007)

Installation / Upgrade Instructions (Updated Jul 25 2004)


Use this procedure when starting from scratch.

  1. Open the zip file and extract all the files (make sure you use the Folder Names option) to the C:\ folder (the root of the C drive) - this will create the folder C:\CoffeeRoastingDB and place the icon, shortcut, front end and start-up back-end database in it.
  2. If you want the linked Help images, download the help images Zip file and extract them to the same C:\ folder.
  3. Drag-and-drop the shortcut file from the WinZip window to the desktop.
  4. To open the database, double-click the shortcut file on the desktop You can also double-click or right-click / Open the file CoffeeRoasting.mdb (NOT the file CoffeeRoasting_be.mdb, which is the back-end) if you use Windows Explorer to navigate to the installation folder.


Use this procedure if you have previously installed the database and want to keep your current data.


Important: When you're upgrading, only extract the CoffeeRoasting.mdb and CRDBHelp.htm files in the next step, and over-write the current file. This effectively upgrades the GUI (Graphical User Interface a.k.a. the front-end a.k.a. the part you interact with). If you want the Help images, delete the current Images folder under your installation folder (normally C:\CoffeeRoastingDB) then download and extract those the same way as a new install. Once the you start the new front-end, it has the smarts to recognize the revision of your back-end (a.k.a. the part that has the data you create) and upgrade it. If you are connected to a different file or folder, follow the directions below first (IF YOU ARE UPGRADING AND WORK IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTORY ... ), otherwise the GUI will not find your back-end.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD YOU OVERWRITE YOUR BACK-END FILE CoffeeRoasting_be.mdb! Unless you want to clear all your current data and make a clean install of course.


When you first open the database with an older version Back End, you will be prompted to upgrade. Make sure you have a backup of the back-end - if you need to make one click Cancel. If you're ready, answer yes to the upgrade prompts, and re-start the database after it closes. The Back End Version in the Main Menu will now show the new version number.


    1. This assumes you have previously gone through the Using a Different Folder procedure at least once before.
    2. Make a copy of your working back-end just in case.
    3. Rename your working back-end to something like CoffeeRoasting_BE_save.mdb.
    4. Extract both the front-end CoffeeRoasting.mdb and the blank start-up back-end CoffeeRoasting_BE.mdb from the zip file to your working folder
    5. Link the new front-end to the start-up black-end using the instructions below. Close the front-end.
    6. Your new front-end is now all set to work in your different folder.
    7. Delete the start-up back-end and rename your working back-end with its original name CoffeeRoasting_BE.mdb.
    8. Open the front-end and go through the upgrade process.
    9. If you have more than one back end, save and rename your current back-end as above, copy the next back-end to the working folder, re-link, re-open and repeat the upgrade process.

Using a Different Folder or Using a Different Back-End

  1. After unzupping the files, move everything to the new folder.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, find the folder and select the file CoffeeRoasting.mdb.
  3. While holding down the SHIFT key, double-click on it. Keep the SHIFT key down until Access opens up, with an empty window but with full menus.
  4. In the menus, select Tools/Database Utilities/Linked Table Manager.
  5. Click on Select All.
  6. Select Always prompt for new location.
  7. Click OK.
  8. You will get the Windows file open dialog. Go to your folder and select the file CoffeeRoasting_be.mdb, or which ever file you're using as your back-end database. You should get a confirmation message the tables have been linked successfully.
  9. Click on Close.
  10. You may want to exit Access and re-open again normally.
  11. You can change the application icon in the Tools/Startup menu.
  12. To get the shortcut icon, you'll need to change the icon in the shortcut properties and point it to the Bean.ico file.
  13. A word about multiple back-ends:
    1. Each will be totally independent - there will be no shared data!
    2. If you make changes to the reference data such as origins, areas, types and categories, you will have to make them to all of them, if you want consistency.
    3. Unless you are well versed in Access, you won't be able to move data between them.